Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Look Into I Housewife's Life

So today I was home from work again because of the wonderful snow that we have got. This was the first time in a long time that I have really been a house wife. I cleaned house and did ALL the laundry. It was wonderful. 

I have worked every since we got married and I love to work, but I have never been a house wife. I thought I would just love it to death but the more I am at home the more I can't wait to go back to work. Now you are thinking I am crazy, and I am, but there is just so much I can't do in one day. I have cleaned everything without going into the big stuff, done laundry that I think was already clean and scanned Pinterest so many times that I think I have seen EVERYTHING!! 

When we got married my loving husband asked me if I wanted to stay home and not work but I had a car payment so I had to work til it was paid off. Then I got another car so I had to work some more. So I work. I love my job but there are days that I wish I could just stay home. I love getting out and doing something everyday. There is going to be a day when we have kids and I am going to want to stay home with the kiddos but until that day I will work. I love my days off but I love to work too.


Monday, February 25, 2013


Today it was snowing and I just had to go take some picture of it. So after sliding and getting stuck. I got some pictures...

HomeMade Donuts

Today it was snowing and I needed something to snack on. I had the stuff so I made them. 

It wasn't that hard to do...

AND they tasted awesome!!!!